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Forbidden Planet (1956) poster
€29.50Directed by Fred M. Wilcox in 1956. With Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, Leslie Nielsen…
In 2257, under the United Planets regime, a space cruiser goes to the rescue of an exploration vessel that has stopped broadcasting for nineteen years. As help finally arrives, a former member of the lost expedition contacts the cruiser and says he does not need help, warning that he cannot guarantee the men's safety if they pose on the planet where he is…
[Note : Poster sold without frame. For any special request, please contact us.]
Cleopatra (1917) poster
€29.50Directed by J. Gordon Edwards in 1917. With Theda Bara, Fritz Leiber, Thurston Hall…
The story of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, and the romance between her, Julius Caesar and Antony. Long censored, only a few fragments of the film remain today, the rest having unfortunately disappeared following a fire in the Fox warehouses…
[Note : Poster sold without frame. For any special request, please contact us.]